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Memorial Day

Memorial Day
Posted by Joker (TD) May 25 2009 11:55AM

For I was once a soldier, and went to war in a far away place. I watched my comrads come and go, But stopped looking at their face. Saw way too many of my friends, Never to leave this place. They are in my thoughts both day and night, Makes me wonder - Why do we have to fight? For all of our fallen soldiers all over the world -Thanks for being here. JOKER

Posted by SCOPEMAN (TD) May 25 2009 3:30PM

Joker I would like to thank you for your post. I too have gone to a land far from home to fight. But you ask a very good question of which I only have one answer. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE. THANK YOU TO THAT HAVE GIVEN THE ULITMATE to make us FREE. Scopeman

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